Money and assets

When you divorce or end a civil partnership, finances and property are a very important issue – and often a huge concern to both ex-partners. Dealing with money matters can be complex and emotive, but if you take a calm and mutually respectful approach, a mediator or solicitor should be able to help you and your ex-partner to share your assets fairly, with no need to go to court.

Here – with expert input, and information about useful resources – we help you to navigate the divorce ‘money maze’. We break down the different categories of assets, and how they may be split between you and your ex-partner. We also focus on the family home: it’s often your most valuable asset and the most complicated to divide – and, of course, it’s also the roof over your head.

You’ll need to plan your budgets, too, whether you’ll be funding two households or factoring in child maintenance payments. It can all feel daunting but with good guidance, you can get a better understanding of your finances and manage them accordingly.

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